Dividends and interest on capital

Dividends Analyze

Brazilian corporate law and our by-laws require that we annually distribute to our shareholders a mandatory distribution equal to 25% of our net income for the prior year (calculated under Brazilian GAAP), which may be adjusted in certain circumstances as permitted by Brazilian corporate law. See “Description of Our Capital Stock—Dividend Policy”. The mandatory distribution may be made in the form of dividends or interest attributable to shareholders’ equity. Interest attributable to shareholders’ equity may be deducted by us as an expense in calculating our income and social contribution tax obligations. We may pay or credit interest rates as own capital remuneration calculated on the shareholders’ equity accounts, observing the rate and limits set forth in the relevant fiscal legislation. The amount paid to shareholders as interest on own capital is deducted from the mandatory distribution amount. Dividends or interest attributable to shareholders’ equity are declared at the annual shareholders’ meeting, which is required by Brazilian corporate law and our by-laws to be held by April 30 of each year. When we declare dividends or interest attributable to shareholders’ equity, we are generally required to pay them within 60 days of declaring them unless the shareholders’ resolution establishes another payment date.

The following table shows the dividends and interest on the capital stock of the shareholders holding the Company’s common shares:

Fiscal Year IOC / Dividend Meeting Date Share Holding Position Data Ex Payment Date Amount per Share (R$) Total Amount Paid (R$)
2024 IOC 12/12/24 12/17/24 12/18/24 02/07/25 0.404691 426,443,961.56
IOC 09/20/24 09/25/24 09/26/24 11/14/24 0.399525 423,769,162,56
IOC 06/21/24 06/26/24 06/27/24 08/19/24 0.39798 422,669,727.54
IOC 03/26/24 04/01/24 04/02/24 05/23/24 0.383547 407,093,448.54
2023 IOC 12/20/23 12/26/23 12/27/23 02/15/24 0.382860 404,899,607.13
IOC 09/22/23 09/27/23 09/28/23 11/20/23 0.406579 428,868,075.25
IOC 06/16/23 06/30/23 07/03/23 08/17/23 0.349173 368,384,854.03
IOC 03/23/23 03/28/23 03/29/23 05/19/23 0.369176 362,843,620.89
2022 IOC 12/16/22 12/21/22 12/22/22 02/13/23 0.366169 358,319,729.05
IOC 09/23/22 09/28/22 09/29/22 11/09/22 0.354889 346,205,536.73
IOC 06/27/22 06/30/22 07/01/22 08/26/22 0.174937 131,607,957.72
IOC 03/24/22 03/29/22 03/30/22 05/20/22 0.146694 110,342,986.86
2021 Dividend 04/26/22 04/29/22 05/02/22 05/20/22 0.274130 206,199,911.02
IOC 12/14/21 12/17/21 12/20/21 02/11/22 0.129163 97,155,712.66
IOC 09/24/21 09/29/21 09/30/21 11/22/21 0.109203 82,142,021.43
IOC 06/24/21 06/29/21 06/30/21 08/20/21 0.096195 72,357,107.03
IOC 03/24/21 03/29/21 03/30/21 05/21/21 0.084795 63,739,035.86
2020 Dividend 04/27/21 04/30/21 05/03/21 05/21/21 0.024111 18,126,589.30
IOC 12/10/20 12/15/20 12/16/20 02/05/21 0.084906 63,812,119.75
IOC 09/04/20 09/10/20 09/11/20 11/05/20 0.087345 65,611,477.32
IOC 06/18/20 06/23/20 06/24/20 10/15/20 0.086217 64,764,479.99
IOC 03/10/20 03/13/20 03/16/20 09/15/20 0.089006 66,953,662.98
2019 IOC 12/12/19 12/17/19 12/18/19 02/14/20 0.099742 71,782,882.33
IOC 09/04/19 09/09/19 09/10/19 11/08/19 0.103680 74,607,335.52
IOC 06/18/19 06/24/19 06/25/19 08/16/19 0.104982 75,503,113.53
IOC 03/21/19 03/26/19 03/27/19 05/20/19 0.096414 69,155,850.74
2018 Dividend 04/29/19 05/03/19 05/06/19 05/20/19 0,010069 7,223,492.10
IOC 12/13/18 12/19/18 12/20/18 2/6/19 0.074537 49,342,502.02
IOC 9/21/18 9/27/18 9/28/18 11/16/18 0.067377 44,596,284.49
IOC 6/21/18 6/28/18 6/29/18 8/16/18 0.064955 42,991,680.98
IOC 3/22/18 3/28/18 3/29/18 5/16/18 0.063557 41,980,594.35
2017 IOC 12/7/17 12/14/17 12/15/17 1/31/18 0.064746 42,744,798.52
IOC 9/13/17 9/22/17 12/25/17 11/7/17 0.062161 41,035,890.51
IOC 6/30/17 7/6/17 7/7/17 8/24/17 0.059539 39,231,433.77
IOC 3/8/17 3/15/17 3/16/17 5/2/17 0.060829 39,890,559.23
2016 IOC 12/15/16 12/22/16 12/23/16 2/8/17 0.224468 46,708,251.78
IOC 9/29/16 9/30/16 10/3/16 11/23/16 0.158655 33,043,717.48
IOC 6/23/16 6/30/16 7/1/16 8/17/16 0.176597 36,780,576.71
Dividend 4/29/16 4/29/16 5/2/16 5/20/16 0.005004 1,042,128.17
IOC 3/17/16 3/31/16 4/1/16 5/12/16 0.170149 35,423,287.96
2015 IOC 12/10/15 12/30/15 1/4/16 1/28/16 0.159480 33,196,968.76
IOC 9/30/15 9/30/15 10/1/15 11/19/15 0.141816 29,519,477.63
IOC 6/25/15 6/30/15 7/1/15 8/20/15 0.123396 25,782,848.30
Dividend 4/28/15 4/30/15 5/4/15 5/21/15 0.214031 44,659,835.51
IOC 3/19/15 3/31/15 4/1/15 5/14/15 0.107094 22,308,190.89
2014 IOC 12/11/14 12/30/14 1/2/15 1/30/15 0.081568 16,990,522.40
IOC 9/25/14 9/30/14 10/1/14 11/19/14 0.076619 15,959,465.82
IOC 6/30/14 7/1/14 7/2/14 8/28/14 0.072000 14,997,070.92
Dividend 4/29/14 4/30/14 5/2/14 5/16/14 0.185377 38,611,627.01
IOC 3/19/14 3/31/14 4/1/14 5/14/14 0.066900 13,933,563.25
2013 IOC 12/18/13 12/30/13 1/2/14 2/10/14 0.080766 16,802,241.69
Dividend 10/24/13 10/31/13 11/1/13 11/13/13 1.201998 250,000,000.00
IOC 9/30/13 9/30/13 10/1/13 11/14/13 0.069968 14,552,409.87
IOC 6/20/13 6/28/13 7/1/13 8/14/13 0.074410 15,468,022.65
IOC 3/8/13 3/20/13 3/21/13 5/3/13 0.073363 14,567,095.27
2012 Dividend 4/29/13 4/29/13 4/30/13 6/18/13 0.025886 5,143,197.34
IOC 12/18/12 12/28/12 1/2/13 2/8/13 0.079835 15,851,361.49
IOC 9/20/12 9/28/12 10/1/12 11/14/12 0.075341 14,955,749.64
IOC 6/21/12 6/29/12 7/2/12 8/17/12 0.077831 15,436,866.56
IOC 3/7/12 3/15/12 3/16/12 5/3/12 0.072981 14,417,139.06
2011 Dividend 4/13/12 4/30/12 5/2/12 6/6/12 0.132664 26,303,424.17
IOC 12/15/11 12/29/11 1/2/12 2/10/12 0.071221 14,067,931.00
IOC 9/22/11 9/30/11 10/3/11 11/18/11 0.065844 13,005,900.00
IOC 6/30/11 7/1/11 7/2/11 8/25/11 0.061369 12,119,300.00
IOC 3/24/11 3/31/11 4/1/11 5/19/11 0.057472 11,349,700.00
2010 Dividend 4/25/11 4/29/11 5/2/11 6/22/11 0.118174 23,337,168.98
IOC 12/22/10 12/30/10 1/3/11 2/18/11 0.043239 8,539,000.00
IOC 11/25/10 12/30/10 1/3/11 1/21/11 0.057185 11,293,063.89
IOC 9/23/10 9/30/10 10/1/10 11/18/10 0.052102 10,289,200.00
IOC 6/24/10 6/30/10 7/1/10 8/20/10 0.048450 9,568,000.00
IOC 3/25/10 3/31/10 4/1/10 5/21/10 0.045225 8,931,105.54
2009 Dividend 4/29/10 4/30/10 5/1/10 6/25/10 0.030951 6,112,215.47
IOC 9/15/09 9/30/09 10/1/09 11/12/09 0.043327 8,556,353.80
IOC 6/29/09 6/30/09 7/1/09 8/26/09 0.043094 8,510,200.94
IOC 03/12/09 3/31/09 4/1/09 8/07/09 0.041545 8,204,300.00
2008 IOC 3/12/09 4/22/09 4/23/09 4/23/09 0.028271 5,582,989.38
IOC 12/15/08 12/17/08 12/18/08 2/12/09 0.044324 8,753,137.99
IOC 9/30/08 10/2/08 10/3/08 11/28/08 0.041557 8,304,122.74
IOC 6/30/08 7/2/08 7/3/08 8/29/08 0.036017 7,202,500.06
IOC 3/25/08 3/27/08 3/28/08 4/25/08 0.036722 7,343,291.00
2007 Dividend 4/8/08 4/10/08 4/11/08 6/3/08 0.123517 24,699,618.20
IOC 12/18/07 12/19/07 12/20/07 2/1/08 0.036967 7,456,539.64
IOC 9/27/07 9/28/07 10/1/07 10/26/07 0.033658 6,789,087.86
IOC 6/27/07 6/29/07 7/2/07 8/3/07 0.032774 6,610,777.99
IOC 3/28/07 3/29/07 3/30/07 5/3/07 0.088406 5,944,065.81
2006 Dividend 4/10/07 4/11/07 4/12/07 4/20/07 1.775936 119,406,832.76
Dividend 4/10/07 4/11/07 4/12/07 4/20/07 1.149064 77,258,467.24
IOC 12/26/06 12/28/06 1/2/07 1/23/07 0.136141 9,153,576.28
IOC 9/29/06 10/2/06 10/3/06 11/16/06 0.142179 9,559,120.71
IOC 7/11/06 7/12/06 7/13/06 8/18/06 0.035100 2,359,878.30
IOC 6/29/06 6/30/06 7/3/06 8/18/06 0.100080 6,728,678.64
IOC 3/30/06 3/31/06 4/1/06 5/31/06 0.117378 7,430,000.00
2005 Dividend 2/22/06 2/24/06 2/27/06 3/8/06 0.088400 5,595,941.00
IOC 12/23/05 12/29/05 1/1/06 3/8/06 0.198840 12,587,000.00
IOC 6/27/05 6/30/05 7/1/05 7/14/05 0.192443 12,016,000.00

Last update: 09/26/2022